
Most of my articles are available on arXiv

For citations see my google scholar page

Submitted for publication/arXiv preprints


M. R. Walker, S. Bera, and M. Vucelja, 

Optimal transport and anomalous thermal relaxations,

arXiv: 2307.16103


Published papers


D. Zhang, T. Chen, M. Vucelja, S.-H. Lee, and G.-W. Chern, 

Memory effect and phase transition in a hierarchical trap model for spin glass,  

Phys. Rev. E, 104, 6, 064105, (2021). 


M. R. Walker and M. Vucelja,

Anomalous thermal relaxation of Langevin particles in a piecewise-constant potential,

J. Stat. Mech. (2021) 113105



I. Klich, O. Raz, O. Hirschberg, and M. Vucelja,

The Mpemba index and anomalous relaxation

Phys. Rev. X., 9, 2, 021060 (2019).

arXiv: 1711.05829


R. Heler, A. V. Wright, M. Vucelja, J. A. Doudna, and L. A. Marraffini, 

Spacer Acquisition Rates Determine the Immunological Diversity of the Type II CRISPR-Cas Immune Response

Cell Host & Microbe, 25, 1, 242-249 (2019).


R. Heler, A. V. Wright, M. Vucelja, J. A. Doudna, and L. A. Marraffini, 

Mutations in Cas9 Enhance the Rate of Acquisition of Viral Spacer Sequences during the CRISPR-Cas Immune Response

Molecular Cell, 65, 1, 168-175 (2017).


S. Bradde*, M. Vucelja*, T. Tesileanu, and V. Balasubramanian, 

Dynamics of adaptive immunity against phage in bacterial populations

PLoS Comp. Bio., 13, 4, 1-16 (2017).

(*equal contribution) 


M. Vucelja, 

Lifting - A nonreversible Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm,

Am. Jour. of Phys., 84, 12, 958-968 (2016).


M. Vucelja, K. S. Turitsyn, and M. Chertkov, 

Extreme-value statistics of work done in stretching a polymer in a gradient flow,

Phys. Rev. E 91, 022123 (2015).


E. Kussell and M. Vucelja, 

Non-equilibrium physics and evolution - adaptation, extinction, and ecology: a Key Issues review

Rep. Prog. Phys. 77, 192602 (2014). 


R. Neher, M. Vucelja, M. Mezard, and B. I. Shraiman, 

Emergence of clones in sexual populations,

J. Stat. Mech. 01., P01008 (2013).


M. Vucelja, G. Falkovich, and K. S. Turitsyn, 

Fractal iso-contours of passive scalar in two-dimensional smooth random flows

J. Stat. Phys., 147, 424 - 435 (2012).


K. S. Turitsyn, M. Chertkov, and M. Vucelja, 

Irreversible Monte Carlo Algorithms for Efficient Sampling

Physica D 240, 410 - 414 (2011).


G. Falkovich, S. Musacchio, L. Piterbarg, and M. Vucelja, 

Inertial particles driven by a telegraph noise

Phys. Rev. E, 76, 026313 (2007).

(alphabetical order of authors)


M. Vucelja and I. Fouxon,

Weak compressibility of surface wave turbulence

J. Fluid Mech., 593, 281 - 296 (2007).


M. Vucelja, G. Falkovich, and I. Fouxon, 

Clustering of matter in waves and currents

Phys. Rev. E, 75, 065301(R) (2007).


G. Falkovich, M. G. Stepanov, and M. Vucelja,  

Rain initiation time in turbulent warm clouds

J. Appl. Met., 45 (4), 591 - 599 (2006).


A. Peer, B. Dayan, M. Vucelja, Y. Silberberg, and A. A. Friesem, 

Quantum lithography by coherent control of classical light pulses

Opt. Express, 12 (26), 6600 - 6605 (2004).